What we do

Pulilab is the sole and core developer of the product
Digital Health Atlas.
Our team helps navigate the complex challenge of creating an innovative product that is equally intuitive, attractive, and technically sound.


The Digital Health Atlas is a WHO global technology registry platform aiming to strengthen the value and impact of digital health investments, improve coordination, and facilitate institutionalization and scale. WHO considers DHA a flagship product and it’s gaining additional traction within the UN ecosystems. The platform has also been adopted by UNICEF under the name INVENT. In addition, Pulilab is also the custodian developer of a new product to be launched by WHO named Smart Guidelines Exchange.

BashGulpHadoopFlaskHerokuNodeJSRedisSQLuWSGIVarnishQuasarBambooGunicornExpressJSDjangoCoffeeScriptAWSAndroid SDKCSS3AppEngineLESS, SASSMongoDBJavaJavaScriptObjective-CiOS SDKMySQLNginxMemcachedPythonRabbitMQHTML5BootstrapPostgreSQLVueJSDockerAngularJS
We present you highly talented engineers, who bring expertise and care to craft bespoke products with the highest level of quality and innovation.

Our seasoned team of diverse profiles and skill sets individually shape your product based on the languages, frameworks and technologies on the left.

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  • Technologies/frameworks (29)